Bowling is a fun, inexpensive sport that’s easy to share because it’s easy to learn. While your friends may not be bowling pros, anybody can drop by the lanes and pick up the gist of the game. And if you want to get serious about bowling, your new gear won’t break the bank. All you need is a beginner bowling ball.
5 Reasons to Buy a Bowling Ball
Up your game. You’ll be able to master different shots because you’ll have a bowling ball calibrated specifically to your needs. Instead of adapting for different weights, grips, and potential curves every time you grab a new ball, you’ll be able to practice more efficiently.
- Bowl more safely. Did you know that bowling with the wrong ball increases your risk of injury? If the grip or weight is off, you can put added strain on your wrist, elbow, arm, and fingers. Owning your own bowling ball decreases this risk by tailoring specific elements to your needs.
- Bowl faster. No more searching the racks for the right ball! You already have the perfect weight bowling ball in your bag, and the finger holes are drilled just for your hand.
- Peace of mind. At Rab’s Country Lanes, we keep all our bowling balls in top shape. That means cleaning and polishing them every day to limit gunk and germs. But you never know if the bowler who just dropped the ball back on the rack had the flu last week. Owning your own ball gives you peace of mind!
- Feel like a serious bowler. Only serious bowlers have their own ball! Go ahead and brag about it. We won’t tell anyone how often you’re really here.
Whether you have a ball, you need a ball, or you just want to use ours, Rab’s Country Lanes is the best bowling you’ll find on Staten Island.